Letter to Residents and Family Representatives

Dear Residents and family representatives, 

You are receiving this notification due to a new Federal regulations which requires us to notify residents, resident representatives and families of any single new confirmed COVID-19 infection in our health center by 5:00 pm the next day. It also requires us to notify you of any incidences of three or more residents and or staff members with new onset of respiratory symptoms occurring within 72 hours of each other that occur in that setting.  

We want to inform you we have zero skilled nursing resident COVID-19 cases and zero skilled nursing employee COVID-19 cases over the past seven days.   

As you know, we are taking every reasonable measure to manage the risk of COVID-19 at Rolling Green Village and are receiving additional guidance and direction from DHEC, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), PRISMA health and LCS Risk Management and Health Services that include:

  • Enhanced infection control precautions
  • Screening residents, staff, and essential visitors for expanded list of symptoms
  • Restricting visitation and entry of people to the building
  • Testing staff and residents for COVID-19 based on current protocols and availability of tests
  • Cancelling all communal activities

Due to government privacy requirements, we cannot disclose specific information about the individuals who have confirmed or suspected COVID-19, unless they are your family member and you have the necessary permissions to receive such information. 

Please note this Federal notification requirement is for confirmed cases or suspected COVID-19 among residents and staff in the health center (nursing home) at Rolling Green Village. 

Our focus and priorities continue to be the protection, health and safety of our residents and employees. If you have questions, please contact Ryan Toerner at ryant@rollinggreenvillage.com and/or 864-213-4219


Ryan Toerner 

Associate Executive Director